Come Stitchin’ with The Quilting Room

We are excited to offer weekly sewing classes in the beautiful Walkerville Uniting Church hall on Friday’s, 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM (excluding public holidays)

The Walkerville Uniting Church is located at 17 Smith Street, Walkerville, South Australia

These classes are  based on a supported learning concept designed to assist participants with quilt/patchwork-related projects.

This may be a new project for you or one that you have started and need some assistance/motivation to continue with / complete. Sewing techniques supported include Hand Piecing, Foundation Paper Piecing, English Paper Piecing, Stitcheries, Applique including raw edge, needle-turned and wool Applique. Helen’s specialty is wool applique & embellishment.

Sue Spargo enthusiast, this is the place for you!









Helen first fell in love with Sue Spargo’s wool embroidery in 2011 when she signed up for her first Sue Spargo Block of the Month (BOM) Imperial Blooms. Since then, Helen has attended several workshops with Sue and undertaken more than ten of her BOM’s over the years. Helen also now sells Sue Spargo BOM, studio dyed wools, patterns, kits, notions and threads. Helen is proficient in and accredited to teach Sue Spargo stitchery. Projects taught from beginners to advanced. Please visit my Sue Spargo department for project ideas

We offer two booking options:

Our 6-Class package is the best value! You will save $60 on a regular class fee if you choose this option.

Our Come ‘n Try (single class option) is a great choice if you only want to attend an occasional class or if you are not sure if this is the hobby for you. 

  • 6-Class Package: $270 total (Save $60). Best value!
    • Pay just $45 per class
    • You are free to choose the weeks that you can attend.
    • All classes are to be taken within a 10 week period but exceptions can be negotiated with Helen directly.
  • Come ‘n Try: $55 per class.

Book a 6-Class Package

  1. Purchase the 6-class package for $270 (save $60) with ‘Add to Cart’ button below.
  2. Upon Checkout, You will receive a coupon code via email.
  3. Use the provided link in conjunction with the coupon code to schedule your classes.

Class Availability

Please note: Using the ‘Book Now’ button to purchase single classes is at the full rate of $55 per class